Raoul Weiler brengt een nieuw boek uit.

Montag, 3. Juli 2017
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
It is my pleasure to announce that my book "Food Scarcity Unavoidable by 2100?"
as appeared some weeks ago, and is now available on Amazon.com & Amazon.fr.
Please have a look at the attached page.
The approach is essentially a scientific one making use of : the new Science
of Networks and related statistical analyses; the use of the actualized
Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification System allowing to focus on climate regions
independently of national borders; UN demographic data 1950-2300; and
Climate Change analyses based on IPCC reports.
The final chapter suggest nine recommendations, among them the creation of
world governance body for planetary agricultural production for some
>10-12 billion people  Food for all is a humanistic endeavor per excellence.
Optimism will not be enough.
Your comments and critics are very useful, and I will appreciate receiving them 
in the near future.
With warm regards,
Em. Prof. Raoul Weiler